Habitual Ire

First published on Medium.com on August 8, 2016.

(short fiction #1)

“Why, Andy? Why?”. My mom couldn’t fathom what she had just discovered. Demons of sadness and anger were devouring her soul at the same time. I had done something really terrible. Just another day with me.

“For twenty years, I had to raise a devilish son LIKE YOU!”. Her howling was so intense, even those demons ran away, searching for a more manageable victim. She slapped me.

“Why did you do this to me?”. I could barely hear her words with my face hurting. My eyes got teary.

“HEY! You don’t have the right to cry! I should be the one who cry, you spoiled pig!”. She pushed me to the ground and proceeded to stomp me with her feet. Her body became really hot every time she was angry. As a result, my torso was covered with burns. My T-shirt was singed. I started to get use to the pain.

“STAND UP!”. I did and she slapped me again. “You are more priviliged than most kids! You are even more priviliged than your sister! I let you to choose any schools you wanted! I gave you nice foods which made you fat! I gave you an expensive computer! I took you to nice holidays! I never forced you to be a top student! I tolerated every single one of your sins! Yet, this is the reward I get from you! Why, Dan? Why?”.

I stood silent.

“ANSWER ME, YOU AUTISTIC PIECE OF SHIT!”. Her screaming cracked the living room mirror.

“I….I…..”, I stuttered.

“SPEAK CLEARLY! WHY DON’T YOU CURE YOUR STAMMERING?” This time, her screaming detonated the television set.

“I…I don’t know.”

“YOU DON’T KNOW?” She punched me in the face. I was surprised that my nose didn’t bleed.

As expected, I spent the whole night listening to her repeating the same sentences over and over again. That’s her. If there is nothing to talk about, just repeat the something that has been said before. Her so-called guardian angels hated me. Every time I angered her, they made sure the time slowed down for me; a minute literally felt like a day. It was very physically and mentally exhausting.

By midnight, she dismissed me to my room. She told me to get some introspection about my action. She said she wanted a solution for my misdemeanor ready in the morning. When I was out of her sight, I quickly paced to my room. I was relieved to be inside, the place where I had complete control of everything. I changed to a fresh T-shirt and proceeded to use my laptop for internet, my main source of entertainment. Knowing what to expect, I decided to look at the mirror.

My head and a chunk of chest were missing. They always were every time I brought anger, sadness or both to someone else; they were devoured by the demon who constantly followed me (obviously, they would grow back in the morning). I knew why he always did it. I may said sorry. But, I knew I would torment my mom over and over again. The worse part was she knew that as well and she would still give me those luxuries. I let the demon grew. Oh, what a wonderful soul I have.

How to deal with Muslims!


First published on Medium.com on August 1, 2016.

*Puts on a mask*

Tired of dealing with those pesky Muslims messing with our lives? Tired of them trampling with westernism, the only valid and flawless way of life? Tired of them trying to be seen as humans? Well, I have got the solution just for you. It is so easy, it only has two steps! It is a simple-minded solution for simple-minded people. Now, let’s get started!

Accept the fact that they are deceptive liars! All of them!

Yes, yes. I know there are over a billion of them around the world. In fact, it is the perfect disguise! Who would have thought that an extremely large number of people can hide a horrendeous secret: a global Islamic domination? Intelligent people. I mean, just think about it! What kind of idiots who demand evidences to support stereotypes and conspiracy theories? True intelligence does not make us doubt, it makes us believe.

(well, doubt is also good..only being used against “positive” claims about Satans. Believe is good…but only when used for “truthful” negative stories about them. So, I hope you get my point)

The Muslims have a concept called Taqiyya. Essentially, it is the idea that Muslims can lie about how not all Muslims are extremists and what Islam really is (I don’t believe a religion’s teachings can have multiple interpretations; I agree with ISIS and Al-Qaeda about what true Islam should be). But, there will be unbelievably blind people who say other. They would spew lies like how not every Muslim knows what Taqiyya is and how it is an exclusively Shia concept that allows Shia Muslims hiding their faith to avoid prosecution from Sunnis. May I say bullshit? Don’t you dare believe otherwise! Those Muslims are doing Taqiyya! Also, Muslims killing Muslims? Another bullshit! Muslims only kill non-Muslims! Those Muslim Syrian refugees lie about escaping the atrocities of ISIS!

The malice of Muslims are not even that hidden. Various surveys have shown most of them want death for apostates and want Sharia for everyone; they don’t even try to hide it to the surveyors whom they call “infidels”. When stats say 70% of Muslims believe in something atrocious, it means LITERALLY 70% of Muslims. The surveyors LITERALLY surveyed every single Muslim, over a billion of them! Come on! What kind of social statistics that only survey a handful of people and claim they represent an entire group? That is just dumb and deceptive. The statistics that portray them as good people are just propaganda. They are propaganda because they threaten our fragile beliefs!

Actually, there are Muslims we can trust: the ones who demonise their fellow Muslims! They are awake enough to realise their lowest of the low status. They should be trusted with our lives. It doesn’t matter if they are motivated by fame and fortune or not. The demonisation and their pandering to anti-Muslim westerners are all that matter.

Accept the fact that they are not humans!

Hui people of China

Just like the fucking Arabs! Wait, considering how all Arabs are Muslims and all Muslims are Arabs, I am just being redundant here (and they are all brown, aren’t they?).

As I have shown you compelling evidences, I think we can quickly conclude that none of them are humans. A group of billions and they are all the same? You can convince us that they are just like us and you can die trying. Frankly, I don’t know if they are robots, aliens, an unknown species of animals or spawns of devil himself. Robots would be cool though. We can re-programme their artificial brains to obey our commands…

Wait, that is a great idea! We should capture some of them and find a way to re-programme their brains. Then, we can command them to go to the Middle East to fight ISIS themselves! Men, women, elderly, teens, children and infants! They are all able-bodied, right? They would make great toy soldiers that we can treat whatever we want! So what if they are dead? Their loss would not be missed at all. Our empathy for Muslims should only extend to the Muslim-hating ones. They are the best lap dogs we can have because we don’t need to re-programme their brains. They acknowledge their non-human status. They are the true reformers, the true progressives.

Sundanese dancers (Indonesia)

Mind blowing conclusion

(it may not seem mind blowing. But, all you have to do is “believe”)

They are deceptive robots and we should accept that as a fact…unless you want the entire world to crumble. They are a bunch of misogynistic homophobes who discriminate non-believers! Do you seriously want that? Those shits are our prerogative! Stand up for our rights to be hateful! Hate is beautiful! Love is ugly!

Senegalese dancers

Repeat after me!

Hate is beautiful! Love is ugly! Hate is beautiful! Love is ugly! Hate is beautiful! Love is ugly! Hate is beautiful! Love is ugly! Hate is beautiful! Love is ugly! Hate is beautiful! Love is ugly! Hate is beautiful! Love is ugly! Hate is beautiful! Love is ugly! Hate is beautiful! Love is ugly! Hate is beautiful! Love is ugly! Hate is beautiful! Love is ugly! Hate is beautiful! Love is ugly! Hate is beautiful! Love is ugly! Hate is beautiful! Love is ugly! Hate is beautiful! Love is ugly……

Keep going until you are more dehumanised yourself….

*Takes off the mask*

I don’t know any better (and I also do)

First published on Medium.com on July 29, 2016.

I was introduced to this website by a university lecturer of mine. Writing articles was a part of the assignments. Even though the topics intrigue, I deleted all of my works. I did so because they were assignments. Not only they lacked any passion, they were also very badly written. They were all over the places and I pretended that I knew everything. I have a bigger issue with the latter.

The older I get, the more I am obsessed with being accurate, precise and truthful (pretentious, I know). I need to understand scientific theories and social facts which I still fail to do many times. But, nowadays, the failure makes me feel really guilty. The feeling is so great, it feels like I have doomed humanity forever.

Okay, okay. I am exaggerating. But, you cannot deny that misinformation can be harmful, even though many don’t believe it. Well, the examples are already around us. Pseudo-scientific beliefs cause health-related problems and social ignorance encourage bigotry. I believe misinformation can be either deliberate or unwitting. The former is caused by people’s greed while the latter is genuine ignorance and is actually preventable. I believe it can be prevented if we stop acting like we know everything. Okay, I know it is simplistic. But, it sounds reasonable and realistic enough. Did I just say know-it-alls are out of touch from reality? Yes, I just did.

Let me tell you something you have probably known (and also cliche): There are literally billions of us and countless other creatures on earth, a tiny planet in a solar system that has seven other planets, which is in a galaxy of billions of planets, which is in a cluster of dozens of other galaxies, which is in a supercluster of hundreds of clusters and there are millions of superclusters out there. Yet, many of us choose to be insufferable know-it-alls.

I don’t know why those creatures exist in the first. I can only make guesses like “sheltered upbringing” or “overt self-confidence”. Unless I have evidences, they should not be taken seriously. But, I still think about them simply because they feel right for me…..

….Feel right. We often use emotions to determine what is truthful and what isn’t. That is not how we should live our life. Our feelings only exist inside us. They cannot be used to measure our surroundings. However, they can measure things like our morality or, in this case, our rationality. Your hurt feeling cannot refute scientific theories that contradicts your far-too-easily debunked personal metaphysics…nor can it disprove social facts that violate your unbelievably hateful prejudices. The so-called “liars” and “ignorant ones” may know more than you do.

Oh and about that. When you know the truth, speak up! When people make dubious (and potentially harmful) claims about the others, call them out! When people spread pseudo-scientific ideas, call them out! Even people who act like they know you say false things about you, call them out! Unless safety is concerned, your silence is unjustified. I cannot comprehend how some people knowingly tolerate ignorance. The reason for this may complex. But, it feels like nailing the legs of progress to the floor. As I was writing this, I just realised calling people out is not an easy task.

Before you do, you have to ask yourself first: who is the ignorant one, me or them? Because of our biases, it is difficult to answer. But, I have my own solution. When it comes to social topics, we should rely on various sources, not take social statistics for granted and not depend on stereotypes. When it comes to science, we should rely on studies with replicable results and not on metaphysical claims. When it comes to someone’s personal life, you barely know a thing about him/her, unless he/she has shared his/her deepest thoughts and feelings with you; even then, refrain yourself from judging quickly. But, once again, I still fail those things many times.

My so-called solution is too simplistic. I don’t practice what I preach. My future articles would probably have the same ignorance I condemn for moral reasons. I am a hypocrite who has the integrity of a moral police. Then, why did I waste my readers’ time (if they even exist) with this crap? Personally, this topic always intrigues me. I am genuinely interested in humans’ exploration of truth (and our shameless rejection of it). I genuinely don’t care if my article has a clear point or an applicable solution. I won’t pretend it is of any merit. I just want to express my thought regarding this topic (regardless whether people care or not). If I am going to write more in the future, I would try making an improved version of this article.